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REACT Recycle Bins

REACT has placed recycle bins at the Hoodoo Landfill for RM of Hoodoo and other participating municipalities ratepayers. The Recycling Bins can only be access during open landfill hours and are directly behind the operators building. The landfill is open Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 10am to 5pm. The REACT bins within the Town of Wakaw will remain in place and may be used by the RM of Hoodoo ratepayers. Any questions about what can and can not be recycled can be directed towards the REACT office at 306-682-1955.

Fire Ban in Effect- April 26, 2024

A fire ban is in effect for the RM of Hoodoo effective April 26, 2024, at 10:00 am. This includes the Town of Cudworth, Town of Wakaw, Wakaw Lake Regional Park and Resort Village of Wakaw Lake. 

Any fires are not allowed. This includes small firepits, burning of stubble, brush piles, etc.

BBQ’s, propane heaters, and propane fire rings with lava/glass rocks are allowed but please use caution when using these. Remember to always have a pail of water or fire extinguisher nearby. 

Any fires spotted should be reported to 911 and the fire department will be dispatched. There is a minimum charge for call outs of $1,000.00 for the property owner.

The fire ban is in effect until further notice and will be re-evaluated each week. 

We thank you for your co-operation.

Fire Ban Removed as of April 18th

The local area has received sufficient moisture to temporarily remove the fire ban. However, we still recommend that all individuals wanting to burn utilize smart burning practices. These include ensuring you are not alone, have a water supply nearby, ensuring the fire is out before retiring for the night, and lastly if you are planning a controlled burn, please call the controlled burn line at 1-866-404-4911.