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Author: [email protected]

Water Rates: EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2020


Ratepayer: $5.90 per cubic meter

Non-Ratepayer: $7.18 per cubic meter

As of July 1st, 2018 there will be a minimum charge of $45.00 per quarterly billing period. The minimum will only apply if the water is taken in a particular quarter.

Lake Signs

We have the new Lake Signs that include a bulletin board, up at the lake entrances. Please stop and read them regularly as updates will be posted there, as well as on our website, regularly.

Debit Machine

The R.M. office now accepts debit!  This is a debit only machine.  Credit cards are not accepted. Please note, if you are paying taxes with your debit card, you may want to check with your financial institution regarding your daily transaction limit.  

Online Banking now available for Credit Union Customers

The Credit Union is now set up to receive online payments for Utilities, Taxes & Accounts Receivable. Please watch which account you are selecting – if you select Utilities, that is for your water account. Select Accounts Receivable (AR) for things like custom work and gravel billed out by the R.M.

Other banking institutions will come available soon. Stay tuned for further details.

Recreational Vehicles

Operators must be familiar with all regulations governing off-road vehicular traffic. This includes ATV’s, UTV’s and Golf Carts.  Most areas of the Municipality and areas surrounding Wakaw Lake are private property. Some are posted with NO TRESPASSING signs. Please not only respect the signs but properties and roads in the municipality. 

Bylaw Enforcement

The R.M. of Hoodoo has contracted Luc Morin – LM By-Law Enforcement to perform bylaw enforcement within the R.M. He will be doing regular patrols at Wakaw Lake during the summer months. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please talk to the Officer directly while on patrol or contact the R.M. Office to either answer the questions or forward to the Bylaw Enforcement Officer.